Ecological Complexity Lab Elucidating the complexity of ecological systems

Tune In - Dr. Shai Pilosof on "Biology without Biologists" at BGU Radio!

The highlight of the week: Dr. Shai Pilosof joined Prof. Debbie Toiber and Prof. Barak Rotblat on the BGU radio show “Biology without Biologists.” In this episode, Shai shares his life journey, marked by critical decisions that shaped his research career and path in life. His message to students is inspiring and practical: “Being a student is an excellent opportunity to open your eyes and mind and discover what you love to do. Stay curious and experiment in different labs.”

Tune into this inspiring episode and expand your understanding of biology in ways you never imagined. Listen to the podcast here (in Hebrew). Or on your favorite podcast app:

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Our preprint “Local and regional processes drive distance decay in structure in a spatial multilayer plant-pollinator network” is now available on EcoEvoRxiv!
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Barry successfully completed his Master's degree in the Lab!