I am an Assistant Professor at Ben-Gurion University, in Israel. I am interested in the application of network theory to ecological systems, specifically in the fields of disease and community ecology. Apart from research I enjoy photography and traveling, and being with my family.
A few CV elements:
- 2024 — present, Associate professor, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
- 2019 — 2024, Assistant professor, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
- 2015 — 2019, James S. McDonnell Foundation & Fulbright postdoctoral scholar, University of Chicago.
- Ph.D., Ecology, 2015, Ben-Gurion University, Israel. Supervised by Boris Krasnov and Serge Morand (CNRS).
- M.Sc., Ecology, 2011, Ben-Gurion University, Israel (Summa cum laude)
- B.Sc., Life Sciences, 2007, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Major research grants
- Israel Science Foundation. “Ecological multilayer networks: advancing theory and methodology for understanding the complexity of ecological systems”.
- Human Frontiers Science Program. “How do ecological network dynamics mediate the response of organisms to novel environments?” With Manlio De Domenico (Univ of Padova) and James Hall (Univ of Liverpool).
- NSF-BSF Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease (EEID) “Market Integration, Land Use, and Pathogen Transmission in Rural Madagascar”. With Charlie Nunn (Duke)
Main Invited talks and Seminars
- 2023 – The application of ecological multilayer networks to microbial systems. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago.
- 2023 – Mobile genetic elements and bacterial communities as adaptive complex systems. Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2021 – Ecological multilayer networks in the microbial world. V symposium on Ecological Networks, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- 2020 – Ecological multilayer networks: from principles to challenges. (in Spanish). Center for Complexity Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.
- 2020 – The interplay between immunity, structure and dynamics in host-pathogen systems. EcoFlor, Bilbao, Spain
- 2018 – Multilayer networks reveal a non-neutral and temporally-persistent population structure in falciparum malaria, Networks in Disease Ecology Meeting at NetSci2018, Paris, France.
- 2017 – Merging ecological networks across interaction types: Challenges and opportunities. Working group at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Portland, USA.
Organization of workshops, meetings and conferences
- 2023 – International ISF workshop EcoNet2023, BGU, Israel. 57 attendees (33 from abroad, including 7 keynote speakers). https://lifewp.bgu.ac.il/wp/econet2023/
- 2023 – Satellite meeting: Multi-interaction socio-ecological networks at the NetSci conference, Vienna, Austria. https://skefi.github.io/multi-interaction-symposium/ (with Sonia Kefi).
- 2022 – International Plasmid Biology Workshop, BGU, Israel (30 attendees). https://lifewp.bgu.ac.il/wp/plasmid_workshop/.
- 2018 – Satellite meeting: Ecological networks: spandrels, selection, and assembly (30 attendees), at the NetSci conference, Zaragoza, Spain. (with Jacopo Grilli).
- Coordiantor of the biodata undergraduate-level track.
- Coordinator of the Ashalim-Dkalim faculy-level excellence program
Courses I regularly teach
- Introduction to Ecology (undergraduate level)
- Networks in Biology, Ecology and Evolution (graduate level)
- Research workshop (undergraduate level)
- 2021 - Multilayer networks workshop @ University of the Balearic Islands, Spain. Co-taught with Prof. Carlos Melian.
- 2020 - Multilayer networks workshop @ BC3 institute, Spain.
- 2018 - Linking Community and Ecosystem Dynamics Using Ecological Networks – Graduate-level workshop – University of Gröningen, Netherlands. Co-taught with Profs. Matty Berg and Han Olff.