Ecological Complexity Lab Elucidating the complexity of ecological systems

I am a master’s student in biology at BGU; I did my bachelor’s degree in computer science. My research interests are complex system modeling But, as I am new to biology and ecology, I am thrilled about the opportunity to explore new areas. I like to travel in my free time, and I am Engaged in many different types of art, from sawing to dancing.

A little about my research:

Land use changes are major drivers of the global spread of tick-borne diseases, yet their underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood and are studied mainly in developed countries. My research examines how agricultural practices and land management strategies influence human exposure to disease-carrying ticks in remote northern Madagascar. By integrating ecological data with advanced computational simulations, I aim to identify key factors shaping tick exposure and, consequently, the risk of tick-borne disease outbreaks. These insights can guide sustainable land management strategies to reduce disease risk and improve public health in resource-limited tropical regions.